CellPave 40 – Cellular Paving Grid

Interlocking Cellular Paving Grid System


CellPave 40 clients include:

Barratt Homes
Leeds Bradford International Airport

CellPave 40 – Interlocking Cellular Paving Grid

CellPave 40 grass and gravel pavers are an interlocking cellular paving grid system for grass and ground reinforcement applications where there is regular pedestrian or vehicle use.

CellPave 40 permeable paving grids can be installed with either a grass or gravel filled surface and allow full rainwater penetration. Manufactured from UV stabilised 100% recycled HDPE, in black or green, CellPave 40 plastic pavers are strong, chemically inert & non-toxic, enabling them to provide a durable, safe & sustainable eco-friendly surface for trafficked areas.

The INDUSTRY STANDARD cellular paver with over 7 million grids supplied since production started in 2002.

CellPave 40 grass pavers are a cost effective solution to worn & rutted grassed areas, displaced gravel and for Source Control of surface water run-off. CellPave 40 paving grids are designed to be installed onto a well prepared, free-draining and relatively even surface using either a ‘Reduced-Dig System’ or by employing a full sub-base construction incorporating a geogrid reinforcement layer. The ground reinforcement paving grids simply connect together and are  filled with either a sand : soil rootzone and seeded for use as grass pavers which provides a visually pleasant and stable surface structure through which grass can be grown, or filled with an angular gravel for use as a gravel retention reinforcement surface. Construction profiles for each application will be determined by the specific site conditions & loading criteria. Detailed design literature and technical support are downloadable.

Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS)

The grass reinforcement paver grids have a very open cell structure allowing unrestricted healthy grass root growth and water infiltration and can be used as part of a sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS). The paver grids also incorporate 25mm ‘ground-spikes’ on the base which fix through the adjacent paving grid’s edge-loops to provide the entire structure with firm anchorage and structural integrity and making them easy to install at rates of up to 100m² per hour. CellPave 40 grass pavers should be installed onto a firm level sub-base (typically a DoT Type 3 or porous sub-base). The thickness of this base is dependant on the existing ground conditions and the design load specifications. Please contact our technical team for further details.

 See HERE for sensible advice about Cellular Pavers 

  • Tile Dimensions: 500mm x 500mm x 40mm (+ 25mm spikes)
    Assembled Size on Pallet: 1000mm x 1000mm (2 x 2 tiles)
    Weight: 4.8kg per m²  / 1.2kg per tile
    Pallet Dimensions: 1000mm x 1000mm x 2340mm / Contains 240 pavers / 60 layers (60m²) / Total pallet weight 300kg

Product Applications

CellPave 40 has been designed for applications such as:

  • Grass & Gravel Car Parks
  • Overflow Car Parks
  • Aircraft Taxiways & Helipads
  • Pedestrian Walkways
  • Wheelchair / Disabled Access Routes
  • Golf Buggy Paths
  • SUDS Source Control

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